Bridge Faucet Lottery

Blast Lottery February

This is the most honest lottery. - absolutely all the collected fund will be distributed among ten winners. The distribution is done by a smart contract randomly among all purchased tickets.

The implementation of the lottery on a smart contract excludes manipulation by the project administration or third parties.

Thanks to the blockchain network, we managed to make the lottery truly public - the administration does not take a percentage of ticket sales for themselves. We only earn from the smart contract itself ;)

Furthermore, we want to distribute 50% of the Big Bang airdrop among all lottery participants, of course if we receive it ;) But with your help, we will definitely get noticed!

Our lottery is a double prize lottery!!!

The more tickets you have, the greater your chances to win.

Lottery Image

The draw for the February issue has taken place.

Drawing results

0x603cc4339bFa68bAb900f02471B35Cdd59bd5fDF 0x28CCeD2AB8264962e893F25F825e8B6Eda9cE5EA 0x2F8F8eFC77FDE2FC34bE47353Ba03E5f1AB397C2 0xfF52Ab4a07BaB7785f6583CBc0005dfb9d4baC8D 0x9Aff1121963c904df85bb5423114c1339A0116dA 0xAfBD199C5d20eCf52c03f870b330D179d57277be 0xD98aC9Cbcfbe845F5853ff899F2dEcf13752CA17 0x097eCEd74d3aEc6691720024abB8C72653dEa717 0x843d9F1B20815f796cE021d3138Af17261B6B356 0xe2125270d9B7300aCb96647700F14F1FdF73e9d5